How to Create Mental Calmness?

Mental Health Challenges of Today

A mental health Strategy  focuses on every part of what mental health and wellbeing means. This covers a variety of things, including: addressing the underlying reasons behind poor mental health, to creating conditions for everyone to thrive, and provider effective resources to improve mental health.

Mental Calmness is not easily achieved. On a daily basis we are faced with so many challenges that affect our mental health.  For instance, we  work or have school demands, we experience breakups, separations, illnesses and  losses. Some individuals are starting new jobs or even relocating.

There are so many other stressful changes in our life that can affect our mental health and our mental calmness.  The daily stress that we experience contributes to physical, mental and emotional distress, interpersonal problems, and limitations in thinking, relating and performing.

We need to consider finding a solution to our mental health problems,  its important to incorporate strategies that include the individual as a whole. The mind, body, emotions and the spirit are all different aspects of each individual. Affecting any one of these, affects the others.

So, when you feel stressed about something know that there are effective stress management tools that you can use.  These include physical, emotional, mental and spiritual practices to promote overall wellness, and stop the debilitating effects of stress.

As a community we can improve mental health by using natural therapies in combination with behavioral and social sciences to promote mental health.

Integrating Mental Health Practices into your Daily Routine

There are many mental practices to promote mental health and they are very helpful in promoting a sense of well-being, to reduce stress and anxiety, and to help build concentration and self-discipline.

Some of the practices to promote mental health and manage stress includes the ancient art of meditationprayermind power techniques, visualization, relaxation techniques, self-awareness and positive thinking.  

A steady practice of mental health strategies builds resilience in dealing with daily stresses. So, when you begin these mental health strategies it is important to make them a part of your regular routine to be effective.

 The journey to mental wellness is a slow and steady one, but with some dedication and patience you can reach your goal.

Achieving Calmness Begins by Practicing Good Strategies

Mental Practices to Promote Mental Wellness

1. Choose a Strategy

To begin, choose one of the Mind Management Techniques below to create mental calmness.  Any one you choose is fine, the important thing is to get started. These are techniques you can use everyday.  So, set your goal and once you accomplish it, proceed to the next one. Every step you take is a stepping stone to managing stress and feeling calmer and relaxed.  You can feel good knowing that you have finally taken action, to promote mental calmness.

2. Review your Resources and Barriers

For instance, your resource can be meditation classes  and your barrier is that your are concern with the cost. This will give you a better understanding of what you can or can’t do.  There are many things you can choose from and they all have pros and cons.  You need to choose the one that is best for you!

3. Pick Number of Days

If you decide to do relaxation techniques you need to decide on the number of days this week you will do it.

4. Keep Track of Progress

You can chart your progress weekly.

5. Plan Celebration for Success

Treat yourself to something nice, like going to the movies or having dinner. I am sure you can come up with something fun!


Remember to:

  • Take  this challenge and re-frame it to something more positive and productive.Use the mental practices below to turn a challenge into an opportunity.
  • Read one article at a time and take notes that you can refer to later. Once you master one you proceed to another, and gradually build your plan for mental wellness.

Thoughts are the primary sources of the creative forces in our lives, and if used consciously and smartly, with these techniques it can bring about a whole new life of opportunity.

Mind Management Techniques to Promote Mental Wellness

Holistic Therapies to Manage Stress

It is primarily an integrative form of ‘cure’ treating your whole self: brain, body and spirit. which brings about a healthy balance in your entire body.

Mind Power Techniques

4 Mind power techniques to help you get a better understanding why you think in a negative way and how to develop a new way of thinking that can help you to manage anxiety and bring your dreams into reality.

Relaxation Techniques to Relieve Stress

5 relaxation techniques that target the body and the mind, to help delay the progress of stress and bring about calmness and enhance your quality of life

Reduce Stress and Re-train the Mind

Stress Anxiety Management can be achieved by learning new habits and behaviors that decrease stress. It teaches you how to do a critical analysis of your thoughts in order to develop sound judgment for making good decisions.

Develop Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the starting point in determining what you want in life. We will show you how to determine those qualities for success and improvement. Developing self-awareness is essential for personal growth!.

Mental Visualization Conquers Stress

Using Mental visualization can dissolve limiting attitudes, fears that are deeply rooted within you, and help you visualize and bring into realization those desires that bring you satisfaction and joy.

Other Mental Stress Management Practices

The Following Exercises Will Help to Take a Challen​​ge and Turn it into an Opportunity

Mental health is one part of an interconnected package of overall health including mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. To achieve optimal health and wellness we need to take into consideration the person as a whole—body, mind, spirit, and emotions.”  .”

— Iris Morales